although i don't know if you care about football / soccer, you might have noticed that public viewing events (not to be confused with the 'lying in state' public viewing) pop up on virtually every street corner; commerce wins. i commonly tend to watch the games with some friends in an almost optimal environment: huge flatscreen, cold beverages and not too much disturbing factors. with the german matches i make an exception: it's kind of invirgorating to head out to busy places and share this special excitement with like-minded people. in return one has to accept that the conditions are mainly not as perfect as in your personal living room or on your terrace.
however that may be, yesterday the brand-new rx100 miii was mainly resting in my pocket, while i watched the match between the united states and germany in a really nice beach club down the river rhine. the first point i realised with the new companion: i'll have to learn a lot, and i mean really a lot about instantly choosing a suitable focal length. at the moment i'm just unable to cope with the option to set the angle of view within seconds. therefor the new button setup and the different controls demand a too large part of my attention that i could simultaneously concentrate on the initial composition. for that reason i think it will be a good approach (at least for me) to start with focal ranges i'm used to and extend this range step-by-step. i initially set the camera to step zoom, so that i basically have to cope with 24, 28, 35, 50 and 70 mm. i'm familiar with the two narrow options, since the full-frame equivalent focal lengths of my sel35 and sel50 are in the area of 50 and 70 mm. the rest is completely new to me; finally some new stuff to learn.
what else to say after not even 20 taken pictures? down to the smaller size of the rx100 the shooting experience is completely different than working with f.e. the nex7. nevertheless the results do not necessarily have to differ concerning iq. i can already confirm, that the raw files are again capable of a lot of optimisation potential and it is more than worth to make the effort with post-processing the images. it's almost unbelievable how good the results even in low-light situations are. more to come during the next days, weeks and months...