
2406 - chimichurri

2406 - chimichurri

setup: sony nex 7 with sigma 30 f2.8 ex dn | 30mm | f5.6 | ISO125 | 1/60 | lightroom 4.1

today we had dinner outside in the yard. nothing of note, but all parts of our meal could be prepared on the charcoal grill. for that reason with today's posting i'd like to bring the recipe of our dinner home to you.

asado beefsteak with chimichurri for 2 persons

- 2 entrecóte steaks (250g)
- pepper from the mill
- sea salt

- 1 scallion
- 1/2 bundle parsley
- 2 fresh branches thyme
- 1 handful oregano
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 to 2 bay leaves
- 1/2 tea spoon of sea salt
- 1/2 tea spoon of black pepper
- 1/4 red paprika or tomato
- 1/2 tea spoon of paprika powder, sweet
- 100ml olive oil
- 50ml red wine vinegar
- 50ml water

if you like the taste of beer pickle your meat in beer for 24 hours. at the start of the preparation take the meat out of the fridge minimum half an hour before the preparation, wash it with cold water and dab it dry. cut into the layer of fat at an interval of 2cm. necessarily use a charcoal grill, otherwise the meat wouldn't been flavoured as intended. grill the steaks medium, 3 minutes per side. afterwards wrap it in aluminium foil and let it rest at the edge of the grill for 8 minutes.

for the garnish use mortar and pestle to shred to dry ingredients. afterwards mix it with the liquids and let it rest in the fridge. brush the grilled and flavoured meat with the chimichurri.

enjoy your asado beefsteak for example with a grilled corncob with soy sauce.

cu, trshptr

2005 - delicious small fruit

delicious small fruit

setup: canon eos 400d with efs 18-55mm | 28mm | f4.0 | ISO100 | 1/25 | lightroom 4

as i wrote in a former posting at the weekend breakfast amounts to a huge ritual in our household. since two weeks domestic strawberries are available again at last. we had missed these delicious small fruits coming fresh off the regional production!

our thanks have to be conveyed also to the polish temporary workers who are appointed in questionable wage conditions only for the high season. to be honest: i would accept the circumstance that a lug costs twice as much if either the employers would raise the wage of the polish harvest hands or more local workers would be hired.

cu, trshptr

1905 - the arab

the arab

setup: canon eos 400d with efs 18-55mm | 18mm | f5.6 | ISO400 | 1/160 | lightroom 4

some things can't be rolled back.

today we met a very interesting and kind man at the middle ages market near ueberlingen and unfortunately i hadn't asked which country his homeland is. he looked like an arab, maybe he is from morocco or egypt. we are never going to know.

ok, no reason to be at odds, the most important questions were discussed. the seller - he offered different spices from around the world - told us a lot about his different products, spices from india, morocco, tunesia, france and so on, spices like masala, peppers, harissa, cardamom and different other oriental powders. due to his great consultation we finally bought two little bags of different salts.

really an amicable meeting with you, kind arab.

2503 - opium of the people

opium of the people

setup: canon eos 400d with efs 18-55mm | 34mm | f5.0 | ISO100 | 1/320 | aperture priority | jpg out of camera

the people of manchester are simply wonderful. communication and helpfulness especially characterize them. furthermore the whole circumstances are really enjoyable because contrary to london you find a healthy proportion between locals and tourists.

if i ought to describe the mindset of manchester´s citizens with a few strong words i would choose confident, freaky and consuming. the first two aspects speak for itself and consumption is omnipresent all over the city [information, warmth, presence, products, fashion, party! ...].
so we also consumed a lot of different - legal - stuff during the last three days, in terms of [non air safety relevant] fluids i focused on coffee that is my special highlight in holiday times apart from some alcoholic drinks.

the portrait above outlines my wife tina while consuming a ... tea. pfff, healthmaniac.

cu in regular interval, trshptr

2303 - food from all over the world

food from all over the world

setup: canon eos 400d with efs 18-55mm | 46mm | f5.6 | ISO800 | 1/25 | aperture priority | raw file cropped, aligned and processed in rawtherapee

a huge deficit of rural living is the lack of good foreign restaurants - except italian - and snack stands. compensation of this intolerable state was one of our most important aims during the last three days. inter alia we ate at an arab and at two indians.

even if the appearances do not imply that the quality of the sold products is passable - suitable the english say: don´t judge a book by its cover.

the snack stand in the pic above was terrific! on friday night this cool picture occured in the heart of manchester.