since i dedicated the last few postings to my new york journey, i have a lot of current stuff to work off now. for that reason i decided to publish the (for now) last images of the nyc trip within one, last 'urban environments' article. despite the fact, that i have many more great images from new york city, that would be worth a daily posting, i'm going to proceed with the daily images from tomorrow on. maybe i'll show a couple of the remaining nyc photographs in the future, maybe i'll show some of them in order to get attuned before the next trip to the states at some point.
to sum up i can say, that nyc is the most impressive city, with the most diverse people, a tremendous cityscape and an incredible amount of energy, i know. i met a great many interesting people, f.e. the pro photographer, who sells the alpha series in the sony store in manhattan. a man, whom i had a great discussion with on the pros and cons of the entire mirrorless system. or the female asian street shooter, strong and self-confident, completely dressed in black and on the go with her leica m9 to capture the hustle and bustle in front of the madison square garden, where the rangers were facing the caps on a warm may evening. or the swiss guy with his nex 7 | 24mm zeiss combo, who was waiting for the blue hour at brooklyn bridge directly next to me. after we had been speaking in english for round about half an hour about technical and urban topics, we finally realised, that we usually share the mainly similar, native language. and so on and so forth... (of course i met a lot of non-camera related, interesting guys, too.)
since this is a photography-related website here - private contact is always possible by twitter, google+ or on the desk page - i first of all concentrate on equally oriented topics as well. as i said, i visited the sony store in the heart of manhattan and had my hands on the rx1. the full-frame compact rx1 has a wonderful built quality, delivers great photographic experience and gives you the best possible results from a compact camera these days. from now on i'm even surer, that i'll purchase the rx2, my picture-perfect camera, in 2014: a full-frame compact, hopefully with a fixed 50mm f2.0 zeiss lens, evf and / or tiltable screen and the control concept of the nex 5r or 7.
for a start i had the possibilty to use the sony sel10-18 at brooklyn bridge park for some test shots: the very nice swiss guy loaned me his almost new ultra-wide angle zoom lens, but till the end of the evening i didn't start to like the premium e-mount lens, which got even worse during post-processing: the lens is heavily corrected, vignetting at f4.0 is pretty strong and it's definitely not the sharpest native lens on the market. at the end of the day it's probably a good uwa option, but especially because of the very peculiar angle of view not in my top five lenses.
so now it's time for me to get back to usual business, i have a lot of current stories and images to tell and show; the world press photo award, my birthday with one or maybe even two new cameras (stay tuned ;) and the summary report of my experiences with the nex 7 in one year of daily shooting will be issues of the coming posts and week.