it was a bit short notice, but the decision was definitely right - we visited the world press photo exhibition 2013 in zurich on friday night this weekend. unfortunately we weren't allowed to photograph the (very interesting) venue or the exhibited photographs, although the restriction wasn't considered by everyone. for that reason i can only show an image of the very straight, modern and puristic, wonderfully illuminated railstation of zurich.
if you'd ask me for my opinion about the winner photographs, i'd answer, that these are simply great, each of them is worth the award! although my overall winner probably wouldn't be the photograph of paul hansen from gaza city, i can imagine, how hard the decision for an appropriate winner must have been. if you have competitors on almost one, world class level, it's nearly impossible to make the correct decisions.
put up or shut up - my winner is the wounded baby from sebastian tomada. we had an extensive discussion about the ethics of such photographs - imho the photographer is right, if he does his (photographic) job fast and well; and helps the kid subsequently as well as he can.