
0604 - not left out in the rain

not left out in the rain

setup: canon eos 400d with efs 18-55mm | 22mm | f7.1 | ISO200 | 1/80 | aperture priority | raw file cropped, aligned and processed in lightroom 4

easter. holiday. time off work. time to receive a visit. family time.

what in return means that i´m running low on time for my posting. never forget - disregard the text before the photo.

that´s how it should be. be a sport and construct the story by reading the tags and studying the picture. thx.

cu tomorrow, spending more time with you, trshptr

0304 - still life for tina´s birthday

still life for tina´s birthday

setup: canon eos 400d with efs 18-55mm | 18mm | f3.5 | ISO200 | 1/30 | aperture priority | raw file cropped, aligned and processed in lightroom 4

unfortunately i´m very terse today, because we are currently celebrating tina´s 27th birthday. 

after a very short night - tina´s roster was changed yesterday at the last minute from day to early duty what got me into big trouble - i provided a breakfast service at 4am [instead of 5am] for my wonderful darling. dressing a meal silent in darkness after an almost wakeful night is not that simple how you might think. however the night time activity was worth the effort, tina enjoyed her majestic breakfast.

beside typical female presents like flowers, massage vouchers, books and shoes she has received a cute pink suitcase by now. tina is extraordinary proud of this special case that i handed over in behalf of my mom. every guest has to have a look at the pink lady today.

although my daily shot shows a still life again, yesterday´s golden thread of items with spirit is continued. anyhow a - let´s face it - particular face is depicted.

i´m outty. cu tomorrow, trshptr

btw: my sony sel 50 f1.8 will be dispatched at the end of this week finally. and i have a closer look on the voigtlander 35 f2.5 pancake type II. your opinions to the second one are very welcome!

0204 - partial chromatic patch day

patch day

setup: canon eos 400d with efs 18-55mm | 31mm | f4.5 | ISO100 | 1.3s | aperture priority | raw file cropped, aligned and processed in lightroom 4

although today was not the second tuesday of the month but the first monday, for me it was patch day. my beloved galaxy nexus received an update to android 4.0.4 aka build imm76d. the patch fixes some problems with the built-in camera app, improves the performance of the operating system and resolves more than 100 minor issues.

as a result of the android update i had to perform the root process again, because the device looses the root feature while bringing an official software update into coincidence. however root access is mandatory if you want to use apps that need in-depth system control.

by way of example the application dslr controller requires this feature. with this tiny little piece of software you are allowed to control your canon eos dslr from your android device, with nothing more than an usb cable. mainly i use dslr controller to review my captured pics on my tablet pc or compile exposure latitudes by the help of my galaxy nexus when i´m on the way.

therefore i spent my evening with numb, cold hard- and software - as if i hadn´t had enough time with bits and bytes all day long. but are technics really deadhearted? i don´t think so. look over the picture. as you can see android, the little robot that lives in my smartphone, is in maintenance mode, quasi at the doctor´s. feel reassured - it was only a routine check and he is well again!

cu, trshptr

2903 - pink lady

pink lady

setup: canon eos 400d with efs 18-55mm | 39mm | f5.0 | ISO200 | 1/160 | aperture priority | raw file cropped, aligned and processed in rawtherapee

although i had to travel to munich today by reason of my job - for that reason only a very short posting today, sorry about that -, an occasion to capture a photo of an urban scene wasn´t caused. that didn´t matter, because on my way home i espied a really funky holland style bicycle in front of a not yet opened beer garden.

its purpose as an eyecatcher worked in my case - i stopped my car and inspected the object in detail. the finish of this oldtimer had been spread very amateurish, even the tires are painted. nevertheless i felt a not explainable gravity of this scene. in combination with the blue painted boards, the white window and the timber-framed wall the bike doesn´t appear displaced.

even though real life scenes look different, this funny mix had to be captured.

cu tomorrow, trshptr