
0310 - siesta

0310 - siesta

setup: sony nex 7 with walimex pro 8 f2.8 fisheye | 8mm | f4.0 | ISO400 | 1/13 | cornerfix & lightroom 4.1

how can one optimally celebrate the german day of unity? maybe you should try to relax as much as possible remembering the few memories you still have. in this way tina has spent her afternoon, however after biking almost two hours around our local hill gehrenberg.

having a siesta is definitely one of her favourite activities on days off duty. she loves to snuggle down in the comfortable african blanket on our old, threadbare couch, that had been baddish scratched by our kitties already during our time in hamburg.

our proper contribution to today's public holiday was an east german charcoal-grill barbecue on west german soil in the evening. this is real understanding among nations.

cu, trshptr

2209 - feeling at home

2209 - feeling at home

setup: sony nex 7 with sigma 30 f2.8 ex dn | 30mm | f2.8 | ISO1600 | 1/60 | lightroom 4.1

after a five hour car drive straight to the south tina and i finally arrived at our cottage at half past four. we'd already got a bunch of italian food ingredients in a local grocery store: vegetables, wine and beer, meat, pasta and of course a lot more, also for our breakfast as from tomorrow.

the cottage that we'll live in during the coming seven days is very small, but all the more comfortable. it's furnished in typical italian style, very cosy. we are feeling at home.

cu, trshptr

1009 - everyday life

1009 - everyday life

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f2.0 | ISO800 | 1/80 | lightroom 4.1

with today's pic unfortunately i really don't know if tina will be still fond of me tomorrow morning when she will light upon my daily post.

withal i want to use today's posting for a declaration of love to my lady: also with a towel in your hair you are for me simply the most adorable girl in the world. okay, there are some garments like the white teddy sweatpants, that are not quite ... joke aside, you can even do with towels in your hair and ugly sweatpants.

today's pic was shot while tina was checking anything on the internet. luckily she'd thought that i'm already in the shower but this was not the case. candid portraits please me more and more - the blog seems to convert to a photographic diary. hopefully concerning the photographic matter a learning curve will become visible increasingly.

cu, trshptr