germany is still under observation, mostly by itself. its charged younger history, especially with the atrocities of ww2, constitutes an incubus that is still present in the public opinion.
in yesterday evening's tv chat show 'hard but fair' which is broadcasted on germany's first channel the subject for discussion was the current bestseller book 'he's back again' that is on first place of the bestseller list in germany since already ten weeks now. hitler sells very well. the author tells a satirical story about hitler who wakes up again in last year's berlin: so the führer has to understand all the things that have changed since his dead in 1945 with its own sense. added to this almost every person in the story is laughing at him. the central question of yesterday's tv show was if germany is ready to laughing at hitler, too? especially in consideration of the millions of dead people of ww2...
i for one can only say that i'm able to bring all the told things and jokes into line with the real history. although i'm no contemporary witness i'll never forget this hideous period of our history. despite that i've already listened to three quarters of the audio book: it's really clever and smart.