
2712 - cross braces

sony nex 7 with fujian 35 f1.7 | f1.8 | ISO100 | 1/200

usually i use grey days as an opportunity to do indoor or low lights shoots. pattern and their accentuation by working out the structures with a black and white conversion are an alternative, of course.

sony nex 7 with fujian 35 f1.7 | f1.8 | ISO100 | 1/500

i observed these two birds a few minutes before they sat together down on the power line. at this very moment i wished to be able to take off like they do and also did a few seconds later.

tomorrow or the day after the new sony sel 35 f1.8 will arrive at my home. i'm looking forward to attaching this new gadget to my nex7.

0612 - fleck

sony nex 7 with sigma 30 f2.8 ex dn | 30mm | f2.8 | ISO1600 | 1/20

cern is a world-famous, huge laboratory located in geneva, switzerland. more than 10000 guest scientists work on high-energy physics research, their main function is to provide the different particle accelerators. the most famous experiment plant is the lhc, the large hadron collider. unfortunately the testing plants are continuously running till middle of 2013, so that you may not go down to the experiments itself. after the shutdown in summer of 2013 a two-years maintenance period will follow and then visitors might be allowed to have a look at the large tunnel system (lhc is 27 kilometres long) with the detectors.

besides the accelerators cern is the birthplace of internet, cloud computing and different other very useful and meanwhile prevalent things, although all these things were basically used as necessary tools to manage the scientific problems. it is a honour for every scientist to work at one of the great many institutes on the french border. today we had a very detailed behind-the-scenes tour with our department, executed by a retired, former cern researcher from germany.

fundamental research of a topic is as complex and simultaneously as simple as trying to understand each issue in life. many things surface not until later and completely different than expectable and incarnate intangible phenomena. you have to be able to handle this.

0312 - rebellion

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f1.8 | ISO100 | 1/100 | lightroom 4.2

a few parts of autumn haven't understood yet that winter is taking over command currently. they still rebel against snow, ice and cold but either they will be frozen by the relentless winter or buried deeply under the temporary white surface real soon now.

cu, trshptr

0112 - recurring pattern

setup: sony nex 7 with sigma 30 f2.8 ex dn | 30mm | f2.8 | ISO400 | 1/60 | lightroom 4.2

the basics in life for a positive togetherness are clearly defined: friendship, confidence, sincerity, reliability and then some. for the implementation of the whole environment on earth life itself has defined own rules and dependencies, mostly based on the rules of physics.

the theorem of intersecting lines is only one of the boundary conditions of our daily lives and made for great patterns on the ceiling of the comfortable, little bar where we went today in the evening after dinner with our friends jeen and diet to intensify our extraordinary positive togetherness.

cu, trshptr

2611 - sport of destiny

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f8.0 | ISO100 | 5s | lightroom 4.2

have you ever thought about where we will be and how we will do in a couple of centuries? it's a crying shame how bad the humanity treats the wonderful blue planet. i don't know if i should be glad not to be in at the end of the earth or sad that probably any of my offspring has to face the music.

currently the earth is our plaything of life, anytime we will be the game balls of the last match at all for a long time.

cu, trshptr

0711 - eye of the tiger

setup: sony nex 7 with sigma 30 f2.8 ex dn | 30mm | f5.6 | ISO100 | 1/250 | lightroom 4.2

in recent months i'd to learn that lighting design has become an ordinary field of study by now. especially concerning the led headlights of the new volkswagen, audi and porsche i've to admit that these guys have done a really good job.

the expression of the new vw passat of my father frightens simply everybody who gets sight of him in the rear-vision mirror.

cu, trshptr

2510 - in black and white

setup: sony nex 7 with sigma 30 f2.8 ex dn | 30mm | f11.0 | ISO100 | 1s | lightroom 4.2

there is no more time for me to waste - i have to blacken a lot of paper during the next years again. my study is finally on-going. dozens of lecture notes have to be read and dozens of scripts have to be implemented. i wonder how i'll manage all the stuff.

i want to apologise in advance for shorter texts with the daily posting - i've to shift my focus to the really important things. besides the most important points like the family the study will occupy the most of my time (besides work, of course). and instead of text i'll understandably concentrate on the photograph.

in today's pic you can see three sheets of paper on the reflecting cover of my laptop, illuminated by my desk lamp. they still gleam completely white but be sure - the blackening is not far off!

cu, trshptr

2110 - way of seeing

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f1.8 | ISO100 | 1/200 | lightroom 4.2

things in life appear in different ways. depending on the way of thinking and especially the relation to an absolute reference good and bad can differ a lot. you by yourselves have to set your own levels.

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f2.8 | ISO200 | 1/80 | silver efex pro for lightroom

nobody is able to speak for you. and nobody else than you knows what is good for you.

btw: both images were shot from the same position with exactly the same angle of view in quick succession. only the exposure settings and the post processing were adjusted in different ways.

can you see the analogy between this and real life?

cu, trshptr

1510 - shadow play

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f2.8 | ISO1600 | 1/15 | lightroom 4.2

till today i extremely rarely came home very late in the evening and work wasn't over yet. from now on this case will arise more often.

nevertheless now, that i'm writing the daily post, i'm completely satisfied and relaxed although i've organised and worked up to now. i don't think that this is down to the picture above that i've captured on my way home after work today: the interesting monochromatic shadow-light-structure of the green illuminated entrance of a office building in markdorf in connection with the equally coloured tree pleases me although there is no message within this pic. sometimes simplicity counts.

i think my today's positivity is still down to the fact that i'm home again. i'm very happy about that.

cu, trshptr