
2605 - bride


setup: sony nex 7 with sigma 30 f2.8 ex dn | 30mm | f2.8 | ISO1600 | 1/30 | lightroom 4

in europe there are a couple of regular customs that appear odd and curious to me. the rituals of stag and hen night may create funny stories in some cases but i can't see any sense in the foolery of selling useless items to pedestrians. however yesterday i was one of the pedestrians whom was being offered a bunch of clutter and ...

funnily yesterday's offers contained above all very useful articles for a party night - shorts. in fact shorts of different sorts! after a short conversation with the leader of the party gang - a hen night party - we bought a silver crown for tina and three shorts, jeagermeister, feigling and another one. in this way we got deeply into conversation with the bride who is a really very cute person. buck the trend and make the best of your upcoming marriage!

fortunately she had nothing against me snapshotting her, so i was allowed to keep this authentic pic.

cu, trshptr

0705 - downhill force

downhill force

setup: canon eos 400d with efs 18-55mm | 18mm | f4.0 | ISO800 | 1/800 | lightroom 4

actually i'm a big fan of the uphill climb. that's why i own a hard tail mountain bike and a racing cycle. although i'm usually not frightened to go downhill, there are enough reasons for me to live without a full suspension bike.

besides the huge maintenance expenditure of the additional hinges, the irreversibility of the drive train, the higher injury risk while going downhill and higher acquisition costs the main purpose of my in the summer almost daily used bike was the clincher: i use it especially to get to work, to go on excursions with tina and to exercise my endurance. therefor you don't need no soft tail. that's enough of factual explanations.

after a usual working monday i had to supply my need for a little uphill tour. while i was sneaking uphill i thought about the loneliness and solitude that you can find in forests only on monday afternoons. everybody seems to have more important things to do than a walk through the trees. fortunately i had resisted the rationality and suddenly my life was enormously slowing down, if only for this brief moment.

only the downhill force awaked me from my daydream.

cu, trshptr

btw: no, the pic above was not shot with a go pro hero. 8) sadly the exposure time was set up a little bit too short to show the real speed of me and my bike of round about 30km/h. at least the fork is sharp.

0605 - cool down

cool down

setup: canon eos 400d with efs 18-55mm | 27mm | f4.0 | ISO200 | 1/125 | lightroom 4

after our weekend rituals like having a lie-in, a great breakfast and the soccer match at the afternoon tina and i went to a village fair in markdorf, called dixiefest. it is a yearly trade festival, all shops have opened till 6pm although the day of the event is always sunday.

we had a get-together with nice people, above all the coffee specialist who explained us everything about coffee roasting won our hearts. after the roasting process in the cylinder the beans have to cool down in the catch tank. at that the beans are stirred vigorously. it's too bad that pics don't smell.

cu, trshptr

0105 - cheeky easiness

cheeky easiness

setup: canon eos 400d with efs 18-55mm | 55mm | f5.6 | ISO100 | 1/400 | aperture priority | raw files cropped, aligned and processed in lightroom 4

1st of may, national holiday, may day or labour day in many countries. in the most states of germany the rite of walking and cycling has a great vogue. you have the sense that everybody is on the streets in these days.

of course we were on the roads today, too. during our bicycle tour with friends we stopped at the lake for an ice and a cappuccino. i spotted the scene shown in the picture in hagnau sitting next to the gangplank. the family on the right side was enjoying their sundae while the cheeky little girl on the left showed her butt for a funky shooting. please always keep your easiness, little lady!

cu, trshptr

2804 - enlightenment

reprocessing pt.2

setup: canon eos 400d with efs 18-55mm | 55mm | f5.6 | ISO200 | 1/500 | aperture priority | raw files cropped, aligned and processed in lightroom 4

first of all i like to excuse for my very short statements belonging to the last week's postings but i think that the pictures tell their stories by themselves. furthermore i concentrated on the photography itself, its choice and post-processing. if there are any questions concerning more details of the story - be my guest and write a comment.

summarising i have to pinpoint that not all questions could be anwered till the end of the trip. why are the temperature sensitivities of natives and tourists that different? a local women wearing a down jacket is reading the newspaper in the sun at almost 30 degrees while hot pant wearing, central european ladies are cooling down in the shadowed gelateria lane.

reprocessing pt.1

setup: canon eos 400d with efs 18-55mm | 37mm | f5.0 | ISO200 | 1/100 | aperture priority | raw files cropped, aligned and processed in lightroom 4 

and why is there always a libertine, doubter or sun worshipper?

in this manner both stand in the sun, the spotlight or the centre of interest. it is easily visible that either of them feels more comfortable than the other.

2604 - play with us

play with us

setup: canon eos 400d with efs 18-55mm | 55mm | f5.6 | ISO100 | 1/400 | aperture priority | raw files cropped, aligned and processed in lightroom 4

besides salamanders you can find dogs everywhere in sardinia. many landowners use them to protect their property against unwelcome visitors or boars. in the scene of the picture tina was being investigated by five  (!) cute dogs simultaneously. only at the first appearance she seems to be a little bit peeved.

0604 II - no time for text but for pics

in focus layup

setup: canon eos 400d with efs 18-55mm | 22mm / 18mm | f3.5 | ISO100 | 1/800 / 1/1250 | aperture priority | raw files cropped, aligned and processed in lightroom 4

exceptionally and because of my very short text in the afternoon´s post today two pic postings are published. enjoy the partial coloured basketball action shots of marv, my brother-in-law, and me. in my opinion the pictures have turned out very well.

cu tomorrow, trshptr