
​madsen's sideshow bassist

​madsen's sideshow guitarist - sony nex 7 | sel35 f1.8 | f2.8 | ISO1600 | 1/60

rockers don't always have to look like these old school rockers.

while the madsen brothers that constitute three quarter of the whole, german indie-rock band madsen, wear their hair pretty short and neat there is this one exception in the composition of the band: niko maurer, the bassist, reminds me of a funny mix of sideshow bob and john travolta.

any way, the show they provided today night, was outstanding and left a big part of the audience - including me - in a jumble of speechlessness and pure joy.​

0202 - canteen

canteen - sony nex 7 | sel35 f1.8 | f2.0 | ISO1600 | 1/10

it's seldom that the possibility to extend the evening into the night springs suddenly into our minds. however an extensive party night is best if it wasn't planned in advance. the evening was supposed to be only about a great dinner at an indian restaurant but three different bars and some beers later we finally ended at ravensburg's finest disco - the canteen.

2601 - the fridge

the fridge - sony nex 7 | sel 35 f1.8 | f2.0 | ISO1600 | 1/320

up to yesterday i didn't know that a fridge can be such a social place. during the evening every guest of my mate dominik's great birthday party availed oneself perceived three to four times with beer and other chilled stuff from the refrigerator. if you had set yourself the goal to meet some new people, you simply had to wait at the fridge for the next thirsty person.

thank you all for the wonderful night.

2605 - bride


setup: sony nex 7 with sigma 30 f2.8 ex dn | 30mm | f2.8 | ISO1600 | 1/30 | lightroom 4

in europe there are a couple of regular customs that appear odd and curious to me. the rituals of stag and hen night may create funny stories in some cases but i can't see any sense in the foolery of selling useless items to pedestrians. however yesterday i was one of the pedestrians whom was being offered a bunch of clutter and ...

funnily yesterday's offers contained above all very useful articles for a party night - shorts. in fact shorts of different sorts! after a short conversation with the leader of the party gang - a hen night party - we bought a silver crown for tina and three shorts, jeagermeister, feigling and another one. in this way we got deeply into conversation with the bride who is a really very cute person. buck the trend and make the best of your upcoming marriage!

fortunately she had nothing against me snapshotting her, so i was allowed to keep this authentic pic.

cu, trshptr

1404 - transparency


setup: canon eos 400d with efs 18-55mm | 27mm | f4.0 | ISO1600 | 1/6 | aperture priority | raw files cropped, aligned and processed in lightroom 4

i like things being transparent. you know you get yourself into familar surroundings. if you are able to bother yourself about the worst case in this context you will not being caught unawares by anything or anybody. for that reason it is always helpful to know all boundary conditions, so you can estimate the problem's variability. ok, maybe too abstracted.

yesternight was transparent for various reasons: we felt very comfortable in the surroundings of our friends. we know the event, the long live music night is conducted every year. the locations are also well-known. all that led on to a great evening with nice music, some beers and cheerful talks.

one of the twenty stages was proverbially transparent, too.

cu, trshptr

btw: i don't want to discuss the low light performance of my borrowed eos 400d again, but it hitted the wall concerning iso and aperture so that i had to shoot with inappropriate shutter speeds the whole evening. that's why only one of ten pics turned out well. let´s forget it, only some days to go.