
0112 - recurring pattern

setup: sony nex 7 with sigma 30 f2.8 ex dn | 30mm | f2.8 | ISO400 | 1/60 | lightroom 4.2

the basics in life for a positive togetherness are clearly defined: friendship, confidence, sincerity, reliability and then some. for the implementation of the whole environment on earth life itself has defined own rules and dependencies, mostly based on the rules of physics.

the theorem of intersecting lines is only one of the boundary conditions of our daily lives and made for great patterns on the ceiling of the comfortable, little bar where we went today in the evening after dinner with our friends jeen and diet to intensify our extraordinary positive togetherness.

cu, trshptr

2111 - disenchanted world

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f4.0 | ISO100 | 1/100 | lightroom 4.2

it's incredible how fast the nature changes its appearance in november. two days ago the landscape was barely shining brightly, and several hours after this photograph was taken the mist had already cleared away again. these days our environment often seems to be part of a strange, alien planet's landscape. only a few signs point to the presence of the human race.

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f5.6 | ISO320 | 1/80 | silver efex pro for lightroom

besides the wonderful coloured, falling leaves the late autumn always implicates the decay of the other, non-hardy plants. all the small bushes, tall grasses and flowers die, at least the parts of these plants that were growing and shining at the surface for the whole spring and summer period. anyhow you can cherish a hope that they will appear next spring again.

cu, trshptr

1411 - slipstream

setup: sony nex 7 with walimex pro 8 f2.8 fisheye | 8mm | f4.0 | ISO100 | 1/60 | cornerfix & silver efex pro for lightroom

today my mate andi and i picked up pace and used the prime late autumn weather for a bike ride in the setting sun after work. everything was bathed in an orange, warm light, what hid the fact that the temperatures had almost reached the freezing mark when we arrived home (not before darkness had almost completely approached) at 6pm after two hours of cycling.

it felt like we were supported by a permanent tailwind that escorted us on our way through the woods and fields. in fact this tailwind was the energising sun that refreshed our batteries and made us riding in the slipstream of euphoria.

cu, trshptr

1311 - still upright

setup: sony nex 7 with walimex pro 8 f2.8 fisheye | 8mm | f4.0 | ISO800 | 1/60 | cornerfix & lightroom 4.2

the lights are often harsh in november and the temperatures decrease constantly, all the contrasts get harder. the falling and especially the already fallen leaves give a premonition of the coming winter.

only a few leaves are still solidly attached to their mother plants. mainly the small plants that have enjoyed the protective shield of the conifer wood treetop all year still resist successfully against the ordinary course of things. from their points of view they appear not that small as they really are what might empower their war of resistance again. but in not too distant future they, for sure, will shed their last bright, yellow leaves, too.

cu, trshptr

1211 - sun-rimmed glasses

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f2.8 | ISO100 | 1/500 | lightroom 4.2

the cold months constrain me to go by bus in the morning, especially if tina needs the car. at the moment we own only one car, an eleven years old volkswagen golf iv. i bought it in 2002 with only 5k kilometres driven. today there are 320k on the counter, and i haven't had any incidents yet. what a great car!

nevertheless riding my bike is my favourite way to go to work. unfortunately i'm still a bit sick, so I didn't want to risk to become completely ill by breathing the very cold and fresh air on the bike this morning. anyhow i'm able to use the comfortable transportation system of a certain company bus, that stops both directly in front of my home and also my company. fortunately i don't use this service every day, otherwise i could not guarantee that my physical condition would be as good as today in a few months.

cu, trshptr

1111 - seeking wisdom

setup: sony nex 7 with sigma 30 f2.8 ex dn | 30mm | f2.8 | ISO100 | 1/400 | lightroom 4.2

solving problems could be deeply simplified by the possibility to apply superior wisdom. extremely rarely in life an insoluble appearing problem plants itself in front of you and presents you with trouble. in this case i feel like the viking in my snow globe who peers into distance and seeks after truth.

fortunately i'm not on my own and the snowstorm hasn't approached yet. despite the negative spin of the story hopefully not only the snow but also the future will be colourful.

cu, trshptr

1011 - fishbone pigtail

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f1.8 | ISO1600 | 1/40 | silver efex pro for lightroom

youtube tutorials can be very helpful, especially if you need a clear and simple explanation of a special method here and now. today in the evening after the daily body care tina wanted to braid maxi's hair with a fishbone pigtail so that she is even more attractive than she usually already is without special styling activities for her today's birthday party.

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f1.8 | ISO1600 | 1/60 | silver efex pro for lightroom

both of them evinced different, well developed talents - tina is able to acquire a new mechanical skill on the basis of an instruction within a short length of time. and maxi looks very good with simply every (long) hairstyle.

cu, trshptr

0711 - eye of the tiger

setup: sony nex 7 with sigma 30 f2.8 ex dn | 30mm | f5.6 | ISO100 | 1/250 | lightroom 4.2

in recent months i'd to learn that lighting design has become an ordinary field of study by now. especially concerning the led headlights of the new volkswagen, audi and porsche i've to admit that these guys have done a really good job.

the expression of the new vw passat of my father frightens simply everybody who gets sight of him in the rear-vision mirror.

cu, trshptr

0111 - skate dance

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f1.8 | ISO100 | 1/640 | lightroom 4.2

dancing the skate seems to be easier than it really is. by all appearance you don't have to be keen on sports but at least relaxed and well balanced.

setup: sony nex 7 with walimex pro 8 f2.8 fisheye | 8mm | f4.0 | ISO320 | 1/250 | cornerfix & lightroom 4.2

no matter how high you can jump - your shadow is willing to jump higher. your shadow is your best challenger and opponent.

setup: sony nex 7 with walimex pro 8 f2.8 fisheye | 8mm | f4.0 | ISO1000 | 1/320 | cornerfix & lightroom 4.2

escaping from the depth of the space is not always successful but today it worked. after a lot of photographs with flash that do not satisfy me completely and a few shots against the light for working with the shadows we finally used the frontal light to get some images with a proper exposure, too.

cu, trshptr

2510 - in black and white

setup: sony nex 7 with sigma 30 f2.8 ex dn | 30mm | f11.0 | ISO100 | 1s | lightroom 4.2

there is no more time for me to waste - i have to blacken a lot of paper during the next years again. my study is finally on-going. dozens of lecture notes have to be read and dozens of scripts have to be implemented. i wonder how i'll manage all the stuff.

i want to apologise in advance for shorter texts with the daily posting - i've to shift my focus to the really important things. besides the most important points like the family the study will occupy the most of my time (besides work, of course). and instead of text i'll understandably concentrate on the photograph.

in today's pic you can see three sheets of paper on the reflecting cover of my laptop, illuminated by my desk lamp. they still gleam completely white but be sure - the blackening is not far off!

cu, trshptr