whilst my recent favourite airport frankfurt in the heart of germany is descending into snow and chaos, we will probably get not more than a bit of nasty, wet weather here at lake constance. at least another, highly likely final, opportunity for me to portray the rural appearance of bermatingen's townscape in a winterly atmosphere.
dark corner
at the moment i prepare for my trip to berlin next week. needless to say that besides the actual planning of the main - the day - activities, what is, of course, the most important and time-consuming issue of preparation this week, i already long for the dark side of berlin in my spare time.
let's see how many of the daily 24 hours will be left for wandering about the townscape. till then i delight in a so far not shown street shot from the dark suburbs of lisbon.
swiss traveller
sometimes travelling people show unusual modes of behaviours. the man in the centre of my today's image carried a very heavy case, which, to his sorrow, had to be hefted upstairs on the platform to reach the trains.
after tina had drawn my attention to his troublesome ascent, i asked him if i can help... he answered with a swiss accent and without even looking at me that it's no problem for him to carry his case by himself. ok, whatever. although i won't go as far as tina, who presumed with a bit of black humour, that he probably carried any parts of dead bodies in his case - hopefully not! - i think, that his autarky has to do with either his attitude towards germany / germans or lived independence in old age.
however that be, i took to him.
guerrilla crural cosy
why should mankind generally accept that statues get cold legs in the depths of winter? until today i didn't know that guerrilla knitting is common in the country now, too.
“Yarn bombing, yarnbombing, yarnstorming, guerrilla knitting, urban knitting or graffiti knitting is a type of graffiti or street art that employs colorful displays of knitted or crocheted yarn or fibre rather than paint or chalk.”
ideal world
compared to police stations in the centre of a metropolis like berlin the duty officers of idyllic ueberlingen's cop shop may usually spend really smooth hours without larger incidents, even on a friday or saturday night. this may be mainly due to the fact that there is scarcely anybody on the road what on the other hand can be seen as a disadvantage for those who go for busy party districts with a great many people in the street.
btw: once again new images in the galleries...
illuminated space
some things here in france don't make sense to my way of thinking. illegal rubbish dumps, decay and in the most general sense the ravages of time have left their marks on more or less every town here in the countryside. so why, this being the case, should a municipality ever invest in such a wonderfully illuminated, every evening completely unoccupied car park?
0202 - canteen
canteen - sony nex 7 | sel35 f1.8 | f2.0 | ISO1600 | 1/10 |
1212 - small-town atmosphere
sony nex 7 with sigma 30 f2.8 ex dn | f8.0 | ISO100 | 1/6 |
it's so great to have such a highly compact and portable equipment with you every day. the nex7 together with a second lens and my gorilla pod fit into my daily shoulder bag without any problems.
because of that i'm able to react to almost every given scenery at almost all times. so even longer exposures of (small-) townscapes with moving elements do not cause any difficulties for me.
2411 - transition
2211 - closed
if i'd only come home earlier more often.
cu, trshptr