
1209 - in the nex jungle

1209 - in the nex jungle

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f8.0 | ISO1600 | 1/15 | tripod | lightroom 4.1

september, the 12th. wednesday. new product announcement day of apple, err sony. how shall one think about the event, the vast number of add-on discussions and the announced products itself?

well, the huge excitement of the masses is no accident and definitely part of a well planned sales strategy. the announcement date shortly before the photokina as well as the associated proceedings form a coherent circle. all the rumors that went public during the last weeks were preplanned leaks and not more than feeding for the (very) interested people. special campaigns like luca rossini's adventure to alaska that was sponsored by sony itself and used for shooting a promotion video about the brandnew sony nex 6 show the enthusiasts that also their works are observed, principally simply everybody is able to reach the masses. such campaigns motivate the enthusiasts to make their works still more public in the future and contribute to sony's great products. additionally all the already prepared reviews, that are mushrooming up at the moment, shall immediately put the new gadgets in place on the market.

but mind, these facts affect an almost negligible number of prospects. i'm referring to a small number of internet affine photographers whose opinions are of course very important for a brand like sony while launching new products: without any further effort by sony they act as remote-controlled multipliers. photographers like steve huff are the best salesmen ever, because they convince - no, they have already convinced - the enthusiast amateurs and they again convince the main part of the prospects, the main target audience, by pushing the products in the charts, by reviewing and by also retelling the shiny image of the new must-haves. i'm spotting a perfect textbook pyramid scheme that is currently brought up by sony. so much for marketing theory, but which information can we derive from these quite ordinary processes?

in my opinion first and foremost there is the right to exist for every new (nex) camera body. believe me, they all, the f3, 5r, 6, 7 and maybe also a fullframe option will sell like hot cakes. for each of them there is a market that only has to be developed. additionally the development effort for sony to modify an existing model to a new, modest one is manageable and definitely worth the try. all the models use the same software kernel, what simplifies the statement of the problem many times over. and the hardware section is structured modularised for sure. at the moment the market of very capable and small mirrorless cameras is still desaturated and as a company like sony you have to try to reach every corner of it. so in place of sony i also wouldn't be above launching so many bodies like a few clever clogs are.

let's get around to the several announcements:

i'll pass the a99 plus the new a-mount lenses because i'm not up to date in this sector.

like many others have already said the announced rx1 is a first try to make a market for a fullframe compact. like fuji had done with the x100 and the x-pro1 and aps-c sensors sony will (maybe) do with the rx1 and a nex fullframe option: if the fixed-lens camera sells well and the people request for a changeable lens model sony will deliver. at the latest next year.

the nex 6 seems to be the better nex 7 for low light situations. an improved autofocus system, the less mp sensor, app support and the wifi feature form a good and capable package. solely the pasm dial distracts me, it isn't suitable for an enthusiast dslr replacement.

the very compact 16-50 f3.5-5.6, stabilised, retractable powerzoom (kit) lens will be by far the most sold lens in the future. it compensates the biggest contradiction in the whole nex system till now: besides the sel 16 f2.8 there wasn't any really pocketable (sony) lens - nex combination. till today. if the iq of the lens is more than average maybe also some actually fixed focal length lenses using photographers are going to buy this tiny little zoom lens.

the 35 f1.8 is the long-awaited standard lens for the nex system. stabilised, relative compact and lightweight and with a bright maximum aperture of f1.8 it is a must-have lens for everybody who hasn't covered this focal length yet. and if it is only almost as good as the 50 f1.8 it will also sell like hot cakes.

when the 35 f1.8 is the long-awaited standard lens, the 10-18 f4 must be the longest-awaited lens for the entire nex system. the sole wide angle option so far, the sel 16 f2.8, could never satisfy the high standards of the community, especially mounted to the nex 7 and its incredible 24mp sensor. i'm pretty sure that sony has developed a great ultra wide angle zoom with good iq. the killer feature stabilisation is much more than only a compensation for the maximum aperture of "only" f4, it gives you an equivalent of a non stabilised uwa lens with f2. thereby at 10mm shutter speeds of 1/4 or maybe even 1/2 could be possible with a steady hand! i'm beginning to save up money for the 10-18 f4 quite now.

some minor criticism at the sidelines: in my opinion all the nex owners may calculate on firmware updates for one big reason: firstly also sony should have recognised that their update policy is far below the policies of their competitors. although there aren't huge bugs in the firmware of the nex 5 and 7, an update especially regarding the autofocus system, auto bracketing and a few points more would be more than appropriate. again fuji has already shown how to do it. we are waiting! the product lifecycle has not ended with delivering an item!

probably in today's posting there are far too many technical points for the most of my readers and highly probable i'll never write that much text about equipment anymore, but today it was definitely apposite. i for one will keep my beloved nex 7, turn my back on the 35 f1.8 for now (because of the sigma 30 f2.8) and go for the 10-18 f4. and yes, i will be still focused on the images.

please feel free to comment my posting with your thoughts.

so let's finally come up to the daily pic, that i've shot besides the reading of plenty of websites of (useless) technical information today, of course (time that i could have used for shooting and improving my skills...):

unfortunately the poor sideshow bob is trapped in the jungle of nex equipment. nex here, nex there. he's a bit confused. what should he do? should he follow the people who stay on discussions about equipment? i think we have already helped and furnished him a fit occasion.

thx for reading and cu, trshptr

btw: furthermore as you may have recognised, a minor update of the blog layout took place, too. i hope the current rendering pleases.

1009 - everyday life

1009 - everyday life

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f2.0 | ISO800 | 1/80 | lightroom 4.1

with today's pic unfortunately i really don't know if tina will be still fond of me tomorrow morning when she will light upon my daily post.

withal i want to use today's posting for a declaration of love to my lady: also with a towel in your hair you are for me simply the most adorable girl in the world. okay, there are some garments like the white teddy sweatpants, that are not quite ... joke aside, you can even do with towels in your hair and ugly sweatpants.

today's pic was shot while tina was checking anything on the internet. luckily she'd thought that i'm already in the shower but this was not the case. candid portraits please me more and more - the blog seems to convert to a photographic diary. hopefully concerning the photographic matter a learning curve will become visible increasingly.

cu, trshptr

0909 - there's no shortcut

0909 - there's no shortcut

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f2.8 | ISO100 | 1/1000 | lightroom 4.1

being relaxed doesn't particularly mean not to be active. especially on fair weather days i have to set out into the world, whatever this is supposed to mean.

today this meant to go climbing in the danube valley with my mate martin and tina. the so called parking area rock near the village hausen im tal makes a good first step into the outdoor climb. you can burn yourself out without any problems at the 20 meters high rocks by spooling uphill after uphill. of course we have done the utmost to reach this condition at the latest today in the afternoon. next time we will probably have a try at one of the other 26 rocks in the danube valley.

whereas swimming in our wonderful lake constance is our common cool down program on those days and the very refreshing danube river was only at a stone's throw from the climbing place, we decided to go swimming in a river today what turned out to be a very cold but great experience.

at the end of the day i am finally reclining on the couch in a very relaxed condition despite being completely exhausted after a very active weekend.

cu, trshptr

0809 - summer relapse

0809 - summer relapse

setup: sony nex 7 with sigma 30 f2.8 ex dn | 30mm | f3.2 | ISO100 | 1/4000 | lightroom 4.1

earlier than expected the summer is back for a late summer interlude. yes, this weekend was supposed to be an active outdoor weekend but we couldn't calculate on such prime weather conditions. even better that we've had almost 30 degrees and bright sky today again.

whereas tomorrow the upper sections of our bodies will be strained by an outdoor climbing session in the danube valley today extensive hiking was due. we visited the marienschlucht, a ravine on the steep bank of the western end of lake constance. we walked almost 20 kilometres, half of it along the waterfront and the other half through the fabulous woods of constance.

of course our feet were glowing when we finally arrived bodman after our hike again. so why shouldn't we use the late afternoon for no resting and cooling down in the fresh water?

cu, trshptr

0709 - multiple bob

0709 - multiple bob

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f2.8 | ISO100 | 0.8s | tripod | lightroom 4.1

i necessarily need an ally! since two weeks i keep struggling with an incompetent ebay seller that has already sent me a wrong item for the second time. four weeks ago i'd ordered three simple macro tubes for my nex 7 from a chinese ebay seller with mostly good ratings for the reason that i'd like to have the option to shoot with a greater magnification if necessary.

two weeks ago i had my first rude awakening: the tubes that had been sent to me didn't fit for sony nex e-mount. some sample and evidence pics and mails later they apologised in person and promised to send me the correct article next time. this one arrived yesterday but it is anything except correct. they've really managed to send me the exactly same wrong article of their first attempt again. unbelievable.

now i have to write mails and shoot evidence pics again. really annoying. anyhow during this time sideshow bob may reside in the otherwise useless bunch of adaptors and tubes and spread fear and terror.

maybe i'm going to attach today's pic to my recent evidence mail. i think bob would be a good confederate.

cu, trshptr

0609 - rural parking

0609 - rural parking

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f1.8 | ISO1600 | +0.7ev | 1/20 | lightroom 4.1

of course you might believe that you know everything about your local environment. and then one day you break the usual habit and suddenly you find your way into a completely new world.

after a great dinner in a nearby restaurant that is operated from a couple from the alsace we had an absolutely necessary after-dinner walk through the villages. thereby a neat timber-framed building that i'd never noticed at daytime attracted our unrestricted attention. not only the great illumination but also the in front of the house parked tractor cut a great figure. in my opinion this was a really suitable scene for a rural village portrait.

marginal note: today in the afternoon very creative thoughts appeared in my brain, funnily while i was hoovering - tina would say that i should do this more often. some interesting photographic ideas were shaped to concepts. there's more to come.

cu, trshptr

0509 - backlit beauty

0509 - backlit beauty

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f1.8 | ISO1600 | spot metering | 1/30 | silver efex pro plug-in for lightroom 4.1

i really don't know if i fulfil my ultramodern camera's capabilities when i process images with results like today's. why do i sometimes want the results to look like photographs from the 70's? is it pure retro fashion or hipster culture? i don't think so.

first of all without the low light capabilities of my nex 7 i'd have never captured this moment on camera. the room in that tina was bustling around was almost completely dark, only the backlight of the terrace window in her back made for an illumination. furthermore the integrated spot metering mode of the camera made a perfect illumination easily available to me. so far, so good. finally the negative was quickly captured.

whilst post processing it should be the aim of the photographer to give the finished image the expression the scene had originally conveyed. if i look at my lady and see a soft, satin-gloss sepia face with an intimate expression, an analogue-like processing is simply appropriate. in my opinion it absolutely is, because the above-noted image shows exactly what i'd seen.

cu, trshptr

0409 - leant at dusk

0409 - leant at dusk

setup: sony nex 7 with sigma 30 f2.8 ex dn | 30mm | f2.8 | ISO640 | -0.7ev | 1/60 | lightroom 4.1

german woods are terrific. if you go into them at dusk, the mystic mood is easily sensible. thousands of leafs let incide only a few light beams onto the ground. the soil smells fruity and wet and the trunks appear vivid. small creeks find their ways through the fallen over trees and feed in that way the whole environment.

really a suitable place to spend the dusk.

cu, trshptr

0309 - orange

0309 - orange

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f1.8 | ISO250 | -1.0ev | 1/80 | lightroom 4.1

while i was cleaning up my workroom today in the afternoon an empty flacon attracted my attention. every now and then tina beautifies not only our social areas but also "my private" room with useless but decorating stuff, as probably every wife in the world does. i've always liked the odour of the citron fluid in that flacon but today it unfortunately appeared empty and scentless.

till i'll have got anything appropriate to refill this nice, little bottle, a mix of rum and aperol had to satisfy for the daily pic. although this cocktail doesn't smell as good as an orange tree, it definitely looks as orange as the original fill had looked.

cu, trshptr

0209 - looking up

0209 - looking up

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f1.8 | ISO320 | 1/80 | lightroom 4.1

today was a very social day. after we had slept till almost noon and eaten an opulent breakfast, we went to the local wine festival with our neighbours and met some other friends. subsequently we continued the appointment at out place with coffee, cakes and parlour games.

today in the afternoon the particular was to get to know how (very) young children interact with such a big group of persons. my mate marcel's boy mika is currently at the age of one year - he is exploring his surrounding the entire time. his hunting instinct after our kitty nila was most amusing for us, he forgot simply everything around him when he spotted her.

additionally it was real fun to see how his mood was changing within seconds. anger and fun, disregard and admiration, all these lay close together.

cu, trshptr