there are always two sides of the medal: unfortunately our time in the historic flat here at lake constance won't be everlasting, where the change will probably bring along a lot of new opportunities. so it's high time for me to document the characteristics of the more than 300 years old building more often now, before we will have to leave this place in the near future.
fisheye stations
what should someone do with half a holiday in a metropole like berlin? of course, go touring by metro to all the wonderful underground stations.
pool position
this is the kadewe, das kaufhaus des westens. it's one of berlin's symbols of prosperity and wealth. the store, that was firstly opened in 1907, passed through all the different periods of germany's diverse 20th century.
for the moment this will be the last but one posting about berlin: last but not least i'm currently working on a series about berlin's underground stations, that will be published in the near future.
downgoing passage
judged from a convenient point of view the upside of a castle like the one here in esslingen, stuttgart, is its exposed location on the top of a hill - you still have a great view down on the historic district that had to be protected in former times.