
3010 - end of these particular work days

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f1.8 | ISO640 | 1/80 | lightroom 4.2

some things will never change: coming home from work on night duty days of tina is pure heartache for me because i'm anything but a person who enjoys his own company.

so i hurl myself into rituals: coming home; cuddling nila, the cat; exercises, taking a hot shower, dinner, extensive practising. sleep. 

no matter if the year is 2005 or 2015: this was and will be the same as it ever was in our relationship.

cu, trshptr

2710 - plumed visit

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f1.8 | ISO200 | 1/160 | lightroom 4.2

tina and i take care of animals in the same way like we respect humans.

this fact finds expression for example in our direct environment: besides our own cat we sometimes look after the kitties and dogs that live in our yard, too. additionally to that tina donates a little sum to an animal welfare organisation.

i for one try to help all the beings in my direct surrounding. for that reason i started to feed the birds in our yard since a few days again. corresponding the first spit of snow fell today and the first soil frost is said to appear in the coming night. i'm pretty sure that the eurasian nuthatch of my today's pic is very pleased with the delicious seeds that we usually serve.

on bad weather days like today the observation of approach and departure of the beautiful european birds is more amusing than watching a movie in the home cinema and a welcome variation to my learning periods.

cu, trshptr

2510 - in black and white

setup: sony nex 7 with sigma 30 f2.8 ex dn | 30mm | f11.0 | ISO100 | 1s | lightroom 4.2

there is no more time for me to waste - i have to blacken a lot of paper during the next years again. my study is finally on-going. dozens of lecture notes have to be read and dozens of scripts have to be implemented. i wonder how i'll manage all the stuff.

i want to apologise in advance for shorter texts with the daily posting - i've to shift my focus to the really important things. besides the most important points like the family the study will occupy the most of my time (besides work, of course). and instead of text i'll understandably concentrate on the photograph.

in today's pic you can see three sheets of paper on the reflecting cover of my laptop, illuminated by my desk lamp. they still gleam completely white but be sure - the blackening is not far off!

cu, trshptr

1410 - home again

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f1.8 | ISO1600 | 1/40 | silver efex for lightroom

being separated from tina for more than a week let me feel sick.

coming home after ten days feels a bit like getting to know her and the whole surrounding completely new. a sense of delight mixes with a feeling of relief. hopefully this will stay forever.

cu, trshptr

0310 - siesta

0310 - siesta

setup: sony nex 7 with walimex pro 8 f2.8 fisheye | 8mm | f4.0 | ISO400 | 1/13 | cornerfix & lightroom 4.1

how can one optimally celebrate the german day of unity? maybe you should try to relax as much as possible remembering the few memories you still have. in this way tina has spent her afternoon, however after biking almost two hours around our local hill gehrenberg.

having a siesta is definitely one of her favourite activities on days off duty. she loves to snuggle down in the comfortable african blanket on our old, threadbare couch, that had been baddish scratched by our kitties already during our time in hamburg.

our proper contribution to today's public holiday was an east german charcoal-grill barbecue on west german soil in the evening. this is real understanding among nations.

cu, trshptr

1709 - zest for life

1709 - zest for life

setup: sony nex 7 with fujian 35 f1.7 | 35mm | f1.8 | ISO100 | 1/160 | lightroom 4.1

attention: next up is strict personal content, maybe you'll be bored to death.

i'm 28 and childless. the thing is not that i don't like kids. quite the contrary i really enjoy the presence of babies and children. at the present i'm simply not yet prepared to give the majority of my personal freedom up. indeed likely a time will come when i'm differently minded. so basically it cannot be ruled out that tina and i will be parents somewhen.

till then i delight in my mates' kids. although mika is definitely not the easiest baby around the world he's simply cuddly and absolutely lovable.


cu, trshptr

btw: i especially like the technical imperfection of today's pic. the blur expresses the joy, the movement of the captured scene and his zest for life perfectly.

1009 - everyday life

1009 - everyday life

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f2.0 | ISO800 | 1/80 | lightroom 4.1

with today's pic unfortunately i really don't know if tina will be still fond of me tomorrow morning when she will light upon my daily post.

withal i want to use today's posting for a declaration of love to my lady: also with a towel in your hair you are for me simply the most adorable girl in the world. okay, there are some garments like the white teddy sweatpants, that are not quite ... joke aside, you can even do with towels in your hair and ugly sweatpants.

today's pic was shot while tina was checking anything on the internet. luckily she'd thought that i'm already in the shower but this was not the case. candid portraits please me more and more - the blog seems to convert to a photographic diary. hopefully concerning the photographic matter a learning curve will become visible increasingly.

cu, trshptr

0509 - backlit beauty

0509 - backlit beauty

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f1.8 | ISO1600 | spot metering | 1/30 | silver efex pro plug-in for lightroom 4.1

i really don't know if i fulfil my ultramodern camera's capabilities when i process images with results like today's. why do i sometimes want the results to look like photographs from the 70's? is it pure retro fashion or hipster culture? i don't think so.

first of all without the low light capabilities of my nex 7 i'd have never captured this moment on camera. the room in that tina was bustling around was almost completely dark, only the backlight of the terrace window in her back made for an illumination. furthermore the integrated spot metering mode of the camera made a perfect illumination easily available to me. so far, so good. finally the negative was quickly captured.

whilst post processing it should be the aim of the photographer to give the finished image the expression the scene had originally conveyed. if i look at my lady and see a soft, satin-gloss sepia face with an intimate expression, an analogue-like processing is simply appropriate. in my opinion it absolutely is, because the above-noted image shows exactly what i'd seen.

cu, trshptr

0309 - orange

0309 - orange

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f1.8 | ISO250 | -1.0ev | 1/80 | lightroom 4.1

while i was cleaning up my workroom today in the afternoon an empty flacon attracted my attention. every now and then tina beautifies not only our social areas but also "my private" room with useless but decorating stuff, as probably every wife in the world does. i've always liked the odour of the citron fluid in that flacon but today it unfortunately appeared empty and scentless.

till i'll have got anything appropriate to refill this nice, little bottle, a mix of rum and aperol had to satisfy for the daily pic. although this cocktail doesn't smell as good as an orange tree, it definitely looks as orange as the original fill had looked.

cu, trshptr

0209 - looking up

0209 - looking up

setup: sony nex 7 with sel 50 f1.8 | 50mm | f1.8 | ISO320 | 1/80 | lightroom 4.1

today was a very social day. after we had slept till almost noon and eaten an opulent breakfast, we went to the local wine festival with our neighbours and met some other friends. subsequently we continued the appointment at out place with coffee, cakes and parlour games.

today in the afternoon the particular was to get to know how (very) young children interact with such a big group of persons. my mate marcel's boy mika is currently at the age of one year - he is exploring his surrounding the entire time. his hunting instinct after our kitty nila was most amusing for us, he forgot simply everything around him when he spotted her.

additionally it was real fun to see how his mood was changing within seconds. anger and fun, disregard and admiration, all these lay close together.

cu, trshptr